
travel blog

Lake Bled in slovenia. A picture of the church and lake from above.

Not So Popular Places To Visit In Europe

While many Americans flock to Europe during the summer, they often gravitate towards the usual places like Paris, Venice, and London. Today, I'm excited to share My Top Five Places To Visit in Europe During The Summer. These are not your typical vacation spots; they're hidden gems. Each destination has its distinct charm and allure, making it well worth your consideration and further exploration! Lake Bled, Slovenia We moved to Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 2017. Before my husband's job told us that we we[...]

McAnally Life Update

The McAnally Life Cliff Notes... So much has happened... I'll be honest since we moved from Ljubljana, Slovenia back to Monterey, California I needed a life break! I put my blog on the back burner and I focused on my career, family, and had a baby. In November 2017 we moved back to Monterey, California from Ljublijana, Slovenia. We thought this was the best place to move our children back to after a year of living abroad. We also knew we'd have friends from previous duty stations also getting stat[...]

Sarajevo, Bosnia

  Sarajevo, Bosnia is my FAVORITE city on Earth!! Yes! It beats Ljubljana, Slovenia, Monterey, CA, and even my hometown! It’s the town of my dreams! It’s fantastic, and I’m going to tell you why. So when Tyler first told me we were heading to Bosnia, I was like, uhhh I don’t want to go. When I mentioned Bosnia, people gave me weird looks and always said how dirty it was and how much cigarette smoke was in that city. They were right!  What they didn’t tell me was how cool it was. In wh[...]

Zagreb, Croatia

Zagreb is the capital city of Croatia; it is also the largest city in the country. When I discovered that we would be traveling to Zagreb, I got on the internet and tried my VERY hardest to find kid-friendly activities to do in the city with the boys while Tyler was working. Sadly tho, I came up short! It was nearly impossible to find any information in English, and even when I did find articles in English, it was mainly about the museums, city, and nature during the summer, NOT the dead of winter! So here I[...]