

Parenting in Slovenia

When we first moved to Slovenia in December 2016 one thing that Tyler and I noticed right off the bat was Slovenians have the most well-behaved children and dogs! I'm not even kidding; I had to search hard one day to see a screaming child after many days of realizing that my children were the only ones screaming, not listening, and a total train wreck. I set out to figure out what they were doing right and what I was doing wrong. Below you will find what I've concluded from my research.They aren't helicopteri[...]

Part 1: Nolan’s First Week of Slovenian School

When I was in Monterey, we had a WONDERFUL group of Foreign Area Officers' spouses. One of the HOT TOPICS was where to send your children to school. Do you send them to QSI (International School), or do you send them to a school in that country? (Full Immersion) It seemed to me like many moms in class were a little leery of sending their children to an entire immersion school. I'll admit, I was scared of the unknown as well. However, when we got to Slovenia, I realized that the international school was a tad[...]