

Lake Bled

We decided as a family that for every birthday we will travel somewhere and have lots of FUN! For Heath's birthday, we did just that! We traveled a whopping 30 mins to Lake Bled and met our close friends Natalie, Shawn, and their dog Fang from Germany. We spent the weekend exploring, and relaxing in the little town of Lake Bled. Lake Bled is a lake in Julian Alps, in the northwestern region of Slovenia. The lake surrounds the island that is home to the Church of the Assumption which dates back from the 17t[...]

Part 1: Nolan’s First Week of Slovenian School

When I was in Monterey, we had a WONDERFUL group of Foreign Area Officers' spouses. One of the HOT TOPICS was where to send your children to school. Do you send them to QSI (International School), or do you send them to a school in that country? (Full Immersion) It seemed to me like many moms in class were a little leery of sending their children to an entire immersion school. I'll admit, I was scared of the unknown as well. However, when we got to Slovenia, I realized that the international school was a tad[...]

Jet Lag and Small Children

Jet Lag is a REAL thing! It doesn't just affect sleeping, it affects eating, your mood, and how you generally feel. Combine that with a two-year-old that's already on an emotional roller coaster, and you get a hurricane of emotions. Let me paint you a picture. (Night 1) At this point, I have not been to sleep in 30 hours, and Tyler may have had 2 hours of sleep. We both decided to keep the kids up and pretend as tho it was a regular day without an 8 hour time change. This strategy worked for Nolan (our 4-yea[...]

How I Survived Flying with Kids

Let me start off by saying I SURVIVED!! I have had serious anxiety about flying with my children. It's not that my children don't behave; it's the fact that they are two and four and can be very unpredictable when they are off their schedules. I thought I would take the time to write what worked and what didn't. Hopefully, this helps all my momma friends who might be experiencing that same anxiety. /*! elementor - v3.18.0 - 29-11-2023 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a[...]

The Adventure Begins…

Hello! Welcome to Brittany McAnally (Website/ Blog). I have been working on this website/blog for way too long! With the BIG move to Europe (Slovenia), I thought I should put my butt into gear and work on it. I thought this would be a GREAT way for our family and friends to keep up with our travels worldwide (we're super excited). I also thought this would be a GREAT way to help other FAO (Foreign Area Officer) spouses understand how our IRT (In-Region Training) went. You should also note that this blog is m[...]