Garmisch, Germany
The boys and I left on Thursday (last week) to head up to Germany and pick up Tyler and head out on our week long adventure to the northern European countries above Slovenia. (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary) I thought I would do this adventure a little different and write a blog post about each city and country that we visited. (It’s a lot of information!)
On Thursday I kept Heath home from preschool and let Nolan go to school for a half day, and miss on Friday. The following week he was out on Fall break so it worked out perfectly that we were able to travel one last time before heading back to The States in November. (Where has the time gone?!)
I packed the boys up and we headed for Garmisch 5 hours away from Ljubljana (Yep just the boys and I) The boys were GREAT we only had to stop one time to potty, and they read books, worked on reading, and watched a little bit of the IPAD when it became dark outside. I honestly could not have asked for better riders! Our 5-hour trip turned into 7 hours due to borders, tolls for tunnels, and after work traffic. (Very frustrating when you’re all alone with two kids in a car, but again my boys were angels!)
We arrived in Garmisch soooooo HAPPY to see Tyler! We hadn’t seen Tyler in a month! The boys were so excited! I was so EXCITED to see Tyler and be out of the car! We decided to hit up the Edelweiss Lodge for food, and call it an easy night since we were all so exhausted! If you haven’t had the chance to visit Edelweiss and your military you should totally do it! I’ll warn you it’s a bit expensive but it’s in a beautiful location!
The next morning I had a little meeting to attend with some of my friends stationed in Germany. After my meeting, Tyler had a tiny goodbye meeting, and I just hung out with my friends and let the boys play! When Tyler was all done we decided to take the boys on an adventure! Let’s just say it was definitely an adventure!
We decided to try out the Alpine Slide which was AMAZING and so much fun! The HUGE downside and added the part to our adventure was going up the ski lift… Heath was sitting in my lap, and I failed to ask him if he had to potty (Mom FAIL) next thing I know I’m 50ft up in the air nowhere to put Heath and he pees ALLLLLL OVER ME!!! The best part is I have to continue riding up the lift with my child sitting in his pee on my lap all the way up the mountain! We get to the top of the mountain and I realize I don’t have a change of clothing, and neither does Heath! We are all the way up this mountain and the ONLY way down is to A) take the ski lift back down, or B) ride the Alpine slide down… At this point, I’m almost dry (Thanks to the very repellant LuLaroe black leggings!) I’m just starting to smell now… so we take the Slide down! I think it would have been a lot more fun if I hadn’t just been peed on. I highly recommend if you have children around the age of 3 and up to take them down the slide! Heath is just a couple months shy of 3 and he was AOK! (Minus the pee on him haha)
Needless to say getting peed on was a party foul! We ended up having to end the fun super early and headed back to the hotel to change. We ended the day with a trip to the city center and we ate at a local restaurant, let the kids play on the restaurant playground and then headed home to sleep to prep for adventure too (Austria… Next Blog post)
Jessica Parnell
I LOVE Garmisch! So happy y’all could make a trip there before moving back to the states!